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行业总量快速下滑 川酒产量占比逆势提升统计局数据显示,在我国白酒产业经历2003-2012的黄金十年后,规模以上产销量曾达到了1200万千升的顶部区域,随后行业整体增速则由30%左右的高增速逐步下降至负增长,到2018年,产量仅有871.2万千升,较2017年的1198.1万千升同比下滑幅度高达27.28%。而截止今年前八个月,白酒累计产量为508.3万千升,同比继续下滑。

2018年5月,圣元环保再次进入上市辅导阶段,其把目标改换到创业板,并且将保荐机构更换成国泰君安。进入上市辅导后,圣元环保的股权结构依旧在变化,在2018年9月和10月均发生股权转让,转让股份数分别为166.94万股(每股价格为12.90 元)和5万股(每股价格为12元)。

社会融资总额(TSF)与名义GDP之间的差距已经缩小到十年来的最低点......。...下一步是保持信贷总增长稳定从表外贷款转移到表内贷款所有这些都有助于支持企业界的技术中心投资China’s widening gap between growth in debt and nominal GDP (the so-called “credit gap”) has long been a key concern for many investors. Yet this gap has been narrowing quickly since late 2016 thanks to Beijing’s financial deleveraging polices and stronger nominal GDP growth. In Q1 2018, the credit gap narrowed further to a ten-year low of 0.3ppt, well below the post-global financial crisis (GFC) average of 6.9ppt. We expect this gap to stay below-trend in the coming years.


After having achieved this equilibrium, we think Beijing’s next policy step is to shift the offbalance sheet liability back onto the balance sheet. This implies a structural shift in debt, rather than an outright reduction. Decomposition of TSF, a broad measure of credit, suggests that this is already happening. But so far, the slowdown in off-balance sheet liability is not being fully compensated by a corresponding pickup in on-balance sheet lending. We believe this situation could change, and there could be more explicit policy encouragement for banks to increase their on-balance sheet lending growth, when more financial regulations especially on bankoriginated WMP become enforced.
