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We wrote in an earlier piece that the manufacturing sector is not the target of Beijing’s ‘deleveraging’ campaign. We argued that the sector should emerge relatively unscathed, supported by the cyclical recovery in capacity utilisation rate, profit and low leverage, as well as structural factors such as China’s rising educational attainment (see Why de-leveraging won’t derail industrial upgrading, 16 April). But a more nuanced ‘deleveraging’ policy and more Chart 6. Loan demand is picking up Chart 7. Average lending rate is higher policies to support on-balance sheet lending could also work in the manufacturing sector’s favour. Thanks to the cyclical recovery, loan demand is picking up. Additional fiscal incentives, announced at the NPC this year, should also help to generate demand for capex-related spending. Meanwhile, a more effective regulatory environment should prod banks to lend more to the manufacturing sector, which is seeing a rebound in corporate profit and positive policy tailwind. A recovery in the manufacturing sector would not only help to anchor growth in the near term, but also support productivity growth and reduce credit intensity of GDP growth in the years to come.



DG官方发布微博宣布改期随着DG联合创始人、设计师Stefano Gabbana在INS的辱华言论的广泛传播,各方受邀的明星艺人集体抵制今晚的活动。包括陈坤、黄晓明、陈学冬、海清等在内的数十位演艺界明星已经通过社交媒体平台确认,拒绝参与此次活动。包括DG中国区代言人王俊凯、迪丽热巴也通过工作室微博发声表示不参加大秀活动。章子怡更是直接在微博上发图怒怼DG。

